
Konichi wa

Genki Masaki

I am still in Melbourne it it very nice here I am having a lovely time I have taken many photos & my room is very big 2 queen size beds very bigh bathroom also there is a gym & a spa in the building so I am very pampered

I will not be back in perth until Saturday Night

Sorry I didnt write in Japanese but I am a bit lazy at the moment while Iam here I am doing very well in my training classes are easy lol its the work outside the class that is a bit difficult

anyway I hope you & your family are all well & happy
take care

I will post photos soon

& i would really like to see a photo of YOU the one on tt4you has two people in it so I do not know what you look like
& perhaps of where you live & work that would be wonderful to see & know about & of course I will tell you & show you about my home & work



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